Lama tahun memiliki Honda/Honda’s year of belonging: 11
Spesifikasi kendaraan/Motorcycle specification:
Model/Model: Astrea 800
Tahun/Year : 1985
1. Mengapa memilih Honda?/Why you choose Honda?
Sepeda motor Honda adalah sepeda motor ramah lingkungan dan apabila dijual kembali sangat mudah serta harga jualnya bagus.
Honda motorcycle is a friendly environment vehicle and easy to sell in used motorcycle market with reasonable price.
Honda motorcycle is a friendly environment vehicle and easy to sell in used motorcycle market with reasonable price.
Mesin tidak pernah rewel alias bandel.
Never have a serious problem with the engine durability.
Never have a serious problem with the engine durability.
Bahan Bakar?/Fuel?
Bensinnya irit dengan perbandingan pemakaian 1:50.
Low fuel consumption with measurement 1:50.
Low fuel consumption with measurement 1:50.
Perawatan sepeda motor sangat mudah dan selama 1 tahun ini tidak pernah servis karburator.
Maintaining this motorcycle in a good shape is very easy. For a year I never have to service its carburator.
Maintaining this motorcycle in a good shape is very easy. For a year I never have to service its carburator.
Suku Cadang?/Spare part?
Suku cadang mudah didapat di toko-toko dan harga masih terjangkau.
Spare part is not hard to find in nearest retailers and the price is cheap.
Spare part is not hard to find in nearest retailers and the price is cheap.
2. Ada tips atau trik agar sepeda motor anda awet?/Any tips or tricks to make it long lasting?
Oli mesin harus rutin dicek dan diganti agar mesin awet.
Check the engine oil and make sure you change it frequently to make the engine long lasting.
Jangan sampai kehabisan bensin karena ini menyebabkan karburator menjadi cepat kotor.
Never happen to your motorcycle out of gas because this will make the carburator get dirty easily.
Check the engine oil and make sure you change it frequently to make the engine long lasting.
Jangan sampai kehabisan bensin karena ini menyebabkan karburator menjadi cepat kotor.
Never happen to your motorcycle out of gas because this will make the carburator get dirty easily.
3. Punya pengalaman menarik dengan Honda?/Do you have an interesting experience with Honda?
Selama 11 tahun mengendarai motor ini tidak pernah macet.
For 11 years I ride this motorcycle never have engine problem.
Untuk bepergian jarak jauh 100 km dan berboncengan tidak ada masalah dengan mesin kendaraan.
I travelled for 100 km with 2 riders on my bike and I was amazed by its powerful engine.
For 11 years I ride this motorcycle never have engine problem.
Untuk bepergian jarak jauh 100 km dan berboncengan tidak ada masalah dengan mesin kendaraan.
I travelled for 100 km with 2 riders on my bike and I was amazed by its powerful engine.
Another interested article: Honda Passport
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