Lama tahun memiliki Honda/Honda’s year of belonging: 5
Spesifikasi kendaraan/Motorcycle specification:
Model/Model: CB 100
Tahun/Year: 1976
Jarak tempuh setiap hari/Travel distance each day: 60 km
1. Mengapa memilih Honda?/Why you choose Honda?
Apabila spare part sudah tidak tersedia mudah dimodifikasi dengan spare part kendaraan lain.
If you can’t find spare part in the market is easy to modify with other motorcycle’s spare parts.
Harga jual sepeda motor bekas di pasaran relatif stabil.
Second used market price is pretty stable.
Mesin tidak pernah rewel alias bandel.
Never have a serious problem with the engine durability.
Bahan Bakar?/Fuel?
Bensinnya irit dengan perbandingan pemakaian 1:30.
Low fuel consumption with measurement 1:30.
Perawatan sepeda motor sangat mudah dan apabila memerlukan penggantian spare part harga terjangkau.
To maintain this Honda motorcycle running well is easy and if I need to change spare part the price isn’t expensive.
Suku Cadang?/Spare part?
Untuk suku cadang tertentu masih mudah didapat di toko-toko dan harga masih terjangkau.
For certain Spare parts is not really hard to find in nearest retailers and the price is still in good reason.
2. Ada tips atau trik agar sepeda motor anda awet?/Any tips or tricks to make it long lasting?
Jangan malas untuk melakukan perawatan rutin, seperti ganti oli secara teratur.
Don’t get lazy to do routine maintenance such as change oil regularly.
Jangan sampai kehabisan bensin karena tangki bensin mudah keropos.
Avoid as much as you can “out of gas” because this will make the tank corrosion.
3. Punya pengalaman menarik dengan Honda? Do you have an interesting experience with Honda?
Setiap hari saya pakai untuk belanja barang dagangan sampai muatan penuh tetapi mesin tetap oke.
Every day I drive my bike to do groceries and I put a lot of stuf in my bike but the good thing is the engine still powerful.
Saya juga pakai untuk menempuh jalan tanjakan dan boncengan mesin tidak rewel.
I also drive my bike with 2 riders and go to high places and the engine still okay.
Another related article: Honda Super Cub
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